Tuesday, February 28, 2012

adios, february.

Everyone lives differently. When you go somewhere out of your own comfort zone, out of your own realm, and you enter someone else's, that's learning.
-Jeffrey Azize, The Human Experience
This is such a fun season of life for me. It's full of a type of learning that excites me, makes me stop in complete gratefulness every single day. February, in all it's coldness, hasn't been very full of shoots but as the spring weather keeps peeping it's head into the sweet little town of Davidson, I'm getting closer and closer to more regular shoots.

Here's how February went, business and otherwise:

-work on a schedule.

-try new charlotte church.

-learn to cook fish. I smelled up the entire house and my hair with salmon, but my later attempts were more successful. :)

-figure out how to get new license plate/registration. with much disgust at having to be an adult.

-memorize isaiah 55.

- get to know Elizabeth better

-start keeping track of expenses/income. here's to march.

-write & mail letters to Kenzie, Lauren, and Hannah. ahhh--there's one more day in February :).

-consistently pray for this business, and wisdom on how to run it.

-be a proactive learner about business-related things.

-be available

-figure out how/where/why to go to Africa in the fall getting there... lots of fun conversations happening.

Here's February in a small instagram nutshell:

I made two new journals... this has unfortunately been the extent of my crafting since Christmas.

I shot a mountain wedding and and Uptown wedding with the wonderful Elizabeth of Almond Leaf Studios. I'm excited to share soon. :)

I ended up at the lake for sunsets like this more than a few times :)


  1. Those journals are amazing! -sock

  2. oh my goodness that picture of charlotte is unreal. you're so talented, hales!

  3. the charlotte scene literally looks like it is straight out of a magazine. i LOVE. same with the sunset. aw, heck!
