Monday, February 20, 2012

embrace whimsy.

I asked Bob what was the key to living such a good story...he thought about it and said he didn't think we should be afraid to embrace whimsy. I asked him what he meant by whimsy, and he struggled to define it. He said it's that nagging idea that life could be magical; it could be special if we were only willing to take a few risks.
- Donald Miller


  1. that top picture of the bricks is amazing. Like...absolutely incredible. You rock!

  2. can that brick picture be my future album cover? K thanks.

  3. incredible pictures. and i love that quote. bob goff is one of the most incredible, wisest men i've ever met. he's all about the whimsy :)

  4. ditto all of these commments. super into the bricks.
