Monday, December 10, 2012

kenzie & lauren . azusa, CA

Seriously, my relationship with Kenzie and Lauren is the weirdest thing in the world. They live in California, and I live in North Carolina. We met, against all odds, after being total photography blog stalkers and having a mutual favorite photographer (Sharon, obviously). Two years ago, they flew out for their spring break to visit and meet me for the first time, and we spent a week taking more pictures than you could imagine and exploring North Carolina, which, to them, was a southern foreign dreamland. Now, after two years of cross country photography encouragement, inspiration, prayers, letters, and countless blog comments, we met again! I flew to California a couple weeks ago to visit, and as you may have seen in my last couple posts, it was an adventurous, cozy, blast of a weekend trip. Kenzie is talented beyond belief, and has a heart to love and understand and change this world unlike anyone I've ever met. She is ridiculously creative, kind, and vulnerable. We have similar dreams for how we want to use our photography with organizations across the world, and I loved getting to chat with her about that. Lauren (who I lovingly refer to as "Little Laur") is a fireball of giggles and loud talking and joy. She is a natural leader, she is wise & humble way beyond her years, and she is just fun to talk to. I am so blessed by these friends, and am reminded of the Lord's faithfulness and randomness to put exactly who he wants me to know right in front of me.

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