Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 was great.

2012 was an incredible year of saying yes to adventure and opportunity. The role of gratitude in my life transformed everything and taught me to drink the joy and grace out of each moment, whether or not I understood the purpose at that time.

This year, I:
traveled all over Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay :: had my first full year out of school :: took a spring break anyway and went to Disney World ::  had countless sunset picnics by the lake in Davidson :: ate mexican food on Mondays with young life girls :: worked on a rappel tower at sunrise :: ran straight through a wide open field, singing & yelling at the top of my lungs :: hiked to the top of a 14,000 ft. mountain :: played outside in the rain :: watched the sunset from the top of a mountain :: roadtripped across the country :: got my first ever speeding ticket in wyoming :: hiked to a high altitude lake in Idaho :: slept in a hammock in bear country, accidentally :: blasted "wide open spaces" more than you can possibly imagine :: turned twenty-two :: moved into my first non-college apartment, having my own bathroom for the first time ever :: was blessed nonstop, all the time by conversations and adventures with Taylor :: had weekly playdates with my new friends Emily and April :: went ice skating in uptown Charlotte :: shot thirteen weddings :: daytripped to Asheville and Boone so I could be in the mountains :: took the leap into full time photography :: watched my best friend, Lauren, get engaged in Kansas City :: ran a half marathon :: rode bikes on the beach :: flew to California to visit Kenzie and Lauren :: got to spend Christmas at home in Nashville.
This is my dream job, and I'm confused and blown away by the fact that God took the shyest, most scared little girl and gave her a desire to meet, to know, to interact with new people all the time. This year, I did much.  But I became much less.  It has only been by the decreasing of my identity's roots in business and photography that God has wildly replaced me with Himself.  His passion, His ability, His beauty--and my privilege to follow the adventure.


  1. these are so fantastic, YOU are so fantastic. love love love.

  2. i'm with kenzie- you're the best. lovelovelove youuu!!

  3. i just absolutely can't believe you've lived this much life & adventure in one year. girl.... it's more than most people in their entire LIFETIME. soak that one in!!! and ps - your heart is presh. presh preshy presh.

  4. oh my friend, this is beautiful. your pictures are amazing. your writing is superb. thank you for the mucho amount of wisdom you have poured out on me ever since i met you as a shy freshie. so excited to see the ways that God continues to decrease you and increase Himself and the many adventures He takes you on this year. you are wonderful. love the heck outta you.

  5. beautiful sisssy:)
