Friday, January 11, 2013

my home.

And I will continue bouncing from one home to another, loving with everything I have in whatever location I currently reside.
-Katie Davis, Kisses from Katie

Taylor and I have been living in this {very} little apartment space since late August, and I love everything about it. She is the talented hand behind the paintings and beautiful poems on our walls. This is my first "real life" home, the first place I've ever lived where I haven't had some plan for when I'll leave or move or graduate. I like the open-endedness of that. 

So many shades of teal & green, a cluttered desk with candy in every drawer, a teeny twin bed that I'll claim as long as possible, and a room full of bright-colored pretties that remind me to play like a child...


  1. Money For Adventures...ya killin me smalls


  2. LOVE your apartment. it's super fabulous / cute, lady. xoxo

  3. wow this place is SO cute, never seen it before. jk lol but i still love it and these coolie pics.
    one of the 3 laurs you love in your life

  4. Love this! it is so you and taylor! Miss you both!

  5. Ummm, can you help me decorate my house please and thanks!?

  6. i love your apartment. i love you and tails. i hope one day i live in a place as cool as this.
