Monday, April 18, 2011

kenzie & lauren.

Who would have thought that we would ever meet? "Little Laur" and "Kenzie Kate" are from California and are probably the two most stud high school photographers on the entire planet. What I would have given to realize this passion at their age. Kenzie is wise, giggly, vulnerable, and honest. Lauren is teeny, precious, loud, even more giggly, and just exudes pure joy. Kenzie and Lauren are both hugely talented and I cannot even handle to think about the places their photography going to take them! Get ready for a week of a whole lot of blog posts, because there are endless photo adventures to come with these two! :)


  1. unreal that i'm commenting on pictures of mahself. i'm looking at chu right now...ya look gooood!!!

  2. Beautiful pics, George! You're skilled.

  3. aww they are so PRECIOUS! enjoy their visit and all the shooting.

  4. awesome models, awesome photogs, awesome girls...hailing from cali..what more could you ask for? beautiful!
