Friday, May 20, 2011

this just became my travel blog.

Well, friends, I've made it to Chile! I spent the majority of my nine hour flight from dallas sleeping as comfortably as one can on an airplane, because the seat next to me was empty and I somehow strategically snagged 4 airplane pillows. I woke up right before I was served a lovely breakfast and much needed coffee to an INSANE sunrise. It was gorgeous, and even though we were above a layer of clouds I could see the snowy Andes mountains breaking through. So many things already on this trip have reinforced that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be right now.
After our flight got in at 8 o'clock this morning, I used the handy dandy wifi in the airport to email my parents, found my massive lime green body bag, and cleared customs. The group headed to the hotel, had lunch, grabbed a quick nap and then went out for a city tour (mostly by bus). Because of the clouds we weren't able to see the mountains that I know surround this city, but it was fun to drive around, constantly being surprised by how big, modern, and bustling the city was.
Tomorrow I meet my host family, and Monday I start classes- I'm taking a photography class, a latin dance class, and an anthropology class (which i may end up liking only for the name).

I debated a bit before getting out my camera on the plane, so i missed some of the best sunrise, but this gives you a taste of what we saw when we passed through the layer of clouds!

holllla, Canon!

It's fall here, technically. I don't know if the leaves change, but there were certainly some colorful ones!

This is the presidential palace. The top middle window is their version of the oval office, except clearly way more public.


  1. gorgeous mountains. take lots more pictures :)

  2. glad i checked in this morning, love the pics, have a super time with your family! miss you a tiny bit and love you tons!
