Tuesday, May 24, 2011

photography class . santiago

Well, to say that I'm loving Santiago would be quite an understatement. It's not at all comfortable, but it is fun and adventurous and big and charming and exotic and deep. On day one of my first ever photography class, I was all smiles as the professor talked about how "photography" means writing with light, and how it's kind of magic to capture something from one time and take it to another. I love this quote that he gave us:

Una buena imagen nace de un estado de gracia. La gracia se manifiesta cuando uno se ha liberado de las convenciones, libre como un niño en su primer descubrimiento de la realidad.
A good image is born from a state of grace. The grace manifests itself when one has been liberated from conventions, free like a child in his first discovery of reality.

-Sergio Larraín
After less than an hour of classroom time, we went out to explore the city, cameras in hand. To say that is my kind of class is also an understatement.
Figuring out this city, it's metros and cute, more narrow and colorful back streets, has been a blast. I love that some of my friends from our group are excited to just go exploring, with no particular destination or expectation in mind. Here are some of the photos I took during class!


  1. These are so beautiful, Haley. The pictures really exemplify how much your photography has grown...how you can capture moments that are emotional and real, whether they include human subjects or simply locations. I don't know if Chile is as special as you make it feel, but like any of your subjects, you bring out its best qualities. Can't wait for more!

  2. haleeees! is this the man? so good. theres are so wonderful. not classic tourist pictures at all. i loove. MISS YOU

  3. these are fantastic. I LOVE the first two so much. they all are incredible and make me want to come down and explore with you all the more. thanks for letting me live vicariously through you!
