Saturday, June 4, 2011

mendoza, argentina.

Mendoza, Argentina was cute as can be. I went with absolutely zero expectations or plans. Driving six hours through the Andes was absolutely insane, and just got me super pumped up to go to Colorado later this summer. The actually town of Mendoza is significantly smaller than Santiago, and I loved the slower pace of life and feeling of safety I had there. The trees overhanging the streets were charming, and the beef really is good as they say it is. Here are a very few pictures from the trip... I really didn't take very many, except while driving through the Andes...
More pictures to come soon from this weekend's trip to Valparaiso, Chile [which is officially where my heart now lives], from photography class, and from projects I've been dreaming and scheming about lately. Seriously, I'm feeling inspired and hoping this limited internet thing can keep up!

The pass: 28 curves + bus driver took a pause after the first one +lady screaming in the front of the bus + could not see an edge = delightful


1 comment:

  1. goodness wooms. each one of these could be made into a postcard. yo quiero IRRRRRRR!!!!
